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The total global crypto market cap is currently: $2.41T

Top 100 crypto currencies (by market cap)

RankNamePrice (USD)Market CapExchange (*)last 7 days

We use the following abbreviations:

crypto prices today

We show the latest crypto prices today. Follow your favorite crypto currency live with our real time prices. We update the information for the most popular crypto currencies every minute. This allows you to check our website via browser or chrome extension and get the prices for your coins right now. Click on your favorite coin to get more information about it and see a live chart of the price for the coin. In case you're wondering what makes crypto prices go up: It's very simple, if more people want to buy a coin than people want to sell it the price will go up.

Crypto market cap

The total crypto market cap is at $2.41T. The biggest crypto currency is currently Bitcoin followed by Ethereum. The total crypto market cap in BTC is 36016725 and the total market cap in ETH is 926563316. As of today there are 14837 active cryptocurrencies in our database. We are adding new cryptos constantly to provide you the best source for crypto prices on the web. Our table of Top 100 crypto currencies is sorted by market cap.


There are 49 ongoing ICOs at the moment and 3376 ICOs have ended. Let us know if you want more information about ICOs and we will work on it.


Crypto currencies are volatile. Please be aware that the price of any crypto currency can change at any moment. Your capital is at risk. Invest only what you can afford to lose. We don't give investment advice. We don't give a guarantee for the accuraccy of the information provided. Data powered by Coingecko. Exchange powered by Simpleswap (* affiliate links).